Friday, June 14, 2013

Belgrade Open, Belgrade, Serbia, May 17-19 2013

Belgrade Open, Belgrade, Serbia, May 17-19
  1. R1: THBT Djokar Tsarnev, the Boston Marathon bomber, should be given the death penalty
  2. R2: THW take the children of Roma who live traditional lifestyles into state care
  1. R3: THW reverse austerity measures in Europe
  2. R4: THW allow voters to dismiss their government during its term through citizen initiated referenda
  3. R5: THBT EU should offer Middle Eastern and North Africon states membership in exchange for successful democratic transformation
  4. Semi: Additive manufacturing or 3D printing is the process of making a three-dimensional solid object of almost any shape from a downloadable design. Currently, they can be used to create shoes, electronic devises, guns and even houses. In future, their uses are likely to grow. Motion: THW ban the sale of 3D printers to households
  5. Final: THW replace the national sport teams of Ex-Yugoslavian republics with new unified teams
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