Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pan American Universities Debate Championship 2014 - Univ. of Miami

EC promovería las playas nudistas
THW promote nudist beaches

EC prohibiría otorgar inmunidad a criminales a cambio de su testimonio
THW prohibit granting immunity to criminals in exchange for their testimony

EC prefiere procesar legalmente a los clientes en vez de las prostitutas.
THW prefer to prosecute the clients rather than the prostitutes.

EC cree que todas las empresas deben convertilse en cooperativas de trabajadores.
THBT all corporations should become workers cooperatives.

EC cree que Iran no debio haber sido excluida de las actuales negociaciones de paz para Siria.
THBT Iran should not have been excluded from current Geneva negotiations about Syria.

EC deplora que a China se le haya otorgado una concesión para controlar la navegación de barcos en el canal interoceánico que construirá en Nicaragua
TH regrets that China obtained a concession for controlling the navigation of ships through the interoceanic canal that it is constructing in Nicaragua.

EC cree que Puerto Rico debe ser independiente
THB that Puerto Rico should be independent.

EC piensa que haber matado deliberadamente a Osma bin Laden fue moralmente incorrecto para los Estados Unidos.
THBT it was morally wrong for the USA to deliberately kill Osama Bin Laden.

EC aprobaria el idioma español como uno de los idiomas oficiales en todos las jurisdicciones de los Estados Unidos donde viva una gran cantidad de poblacion hispanoparlante
THW approve the Spanish language as one of the official languages in all USA jurisdictions in which large Spanish speaking populations live.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Jerusalem Open, Jerusalem, Israel, December 19 2013

Jerusalem Open, Jerusalem, Israel, December 19 2013

  • R1: THBT women's rights organizations should advocate for the legalization of multiple partner marriages
  • R2: TH, as the Palestinian people, would support the one state solution in favor of the two state solution
  • R3: THW not accept refugees in times of economic crisis
  • R4: THBT that the widespread prevailance of Internet porn is a net good
  • Final: TH, as a constitutional democracy, would remove Freedom of Religion from the constitution
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KCL IV, London, England, December 14 2013

KCL IV, London, England, December 14 2013

  • R1: THBT foster children should be placed into families with similar backgrounds (race, religion, etc)
  • R2: THBT politicians should not have public profiles on twitter and other social networking sites
  • R3: You are an immigrant (asylum seeker?) from a non-Western country. You are offered full and immediate citizenship of the EU and the US. The offers are the only two that you have and are mutually exclusive. You do not know where you will live in either union. Your native and only language is spoken in neither. Motion: THW opt for the EU
  • R4: TH supports soldier-run free schools
  • Semi: THBT the US should overturn its blanket ban on negotiating with terrorists
  • Final: As an atheist, THW proselytise

Leiden Novice Tournament, Leiden, the Netherlands, December 14 2013

Leiden Novice Tournament, Leiden, the Netherlands, December 14 2013

  • R1: THW stop streaming children in secondary schools based on intelligence
  • R2: THW make parents legally responsible for their children's crimes
  • R3: This house believes that governments should never pay ransoms
  • Final: THW ban all media (such as music, films and videogames) which glorify misogyny
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Streitkultur Cup, Tübingen, Germany, December 14 2013

Streitkultur Cup, Tübingen, Germany, December 14 2013 (translated)

  • R1: Do we need a third vote (Die Drittstimme)
  • R2: Should natural disasters and extreme weather in the future be named after politicians that are against combatting climate change?
  • R3: Should the state treat all religions equally?
  • Final: Should Germany boycott the Sochi Olympics?
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Tilbury House IV, Cologne (Köln), Germany, December 13-15 2013

Tilbury House IV, Cologne (Köln), Germany, December 13-15 2013

  • R1: THW forcibly relocate indigenous peoples where their presence prevents the extraction/utilization of valuable resources
  • R2: TH supports private ownership of 3D printers
  • R3: TH regrets the branding of Burka Avenger as a feminist icon
  • R4: TH, as Pope Francis, would allow women to become priests
  • R5: THB, in times of economic crisis, economic bodies should (strategically) withhold information that may damage market confidence
  • Final: TH welcomes the rise of art, music and film that celebrates lack of economic wealth
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BGU IV, Beer Sheva, Israel, December 13 2013

BGU IV, Beer Sheva, Israel, December 13 2013

  • R1: THBT Times Magazine should have chosen Miley Cyrus to be person of the year
  • R2: TH, as the US, would abandon the Israeli-Palestinian Cause
  • R3: THW wage war using only games fought via computers
  • R4: THBT governments should not regulate the use of any new currency
  • R5: In memory of Nelson Mandela: The year is 1985, THS Paul Simon in breaking the cultural boycott of Apartheid South Africa (for the making of the future Graceland album in collaboration with black musicians)
  • Final: THBT Pope Francis as the head of the Catholic Church will end up causing more harm than good
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Tournament of Champions, Bucharest, Romania, December 7-9 2013

Tournament of Champions, Bucharest, Romania, December 7-9 2013

  • R1: This House would legalize the use of baby-boxes all around the EU
  • R2: THBT a world in which there is no more sexual instinct and reproduction is only in vitro and through similar technologies is a better world
  • R3: This House would grant immediate EU admission to regions like Scotland or Catalonia who choose to declare independence from countries that are already in the EU
  • R4: THW eliminate any legal or ethical limitations from the field of genetic research on improving the human body.
  • Final: THBT Romania should strengthen its relationship with China, even if that impacts its relationship with the EU
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John Smith Memorial Mace Welsh leg, Aberystwyth, Wales, December 7 2013

John Smith Memorial Mace Welsh leg, Aberystwyth, Wales, December 7 2013

  • R1: THW legalise euthanasia
  • R2: THW provide financial incentives to individuals leading a vegetarian lifestyle
  • R3: THBT FIFA should reallocate the 2022 World Cup from Qatar to a country with a superior human rights record
  • R4: THBT major Hollywood studios should increase the number of lead roles for female villains substantially in their blockbuster films
  • Final: THBT the media should fabricate and publish positive economic stories during prolonged periods of economic recession
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Moscow Open, Moscow, Russia, December 6-7 2013

Moscow Open, Moscow, Russia, December 6-7 2013

  • R1: THW ban the fur industry
  • R2: TH as Ukraine would join Russia led economic bloc rather than the EU free trade account
  • R3: THW in the countries that have laws prohibiting discriminatory and hateful language against various groups based on certain characteristics they have, grant overweight people the same protection like other vulnerable groups
  • R4: THW require police to wear miniature video cameras at all times whilst on duty
  • R5: THBT decisions to allocate funding to scientific research programs should be taken solely by a group of professional scientists
  • Semi-finals: TH, as a Russian woman, would rather live in the Soviet Union
  • Final: THBT Western Liberal Democracies should boycott the Russian Winter Olympics 2014 in Sochi

Sheffield IV, Sheffield, England, December 7 2013

Sheffield IV, Sheffield, England, December 7 2013

  • R1: THW aggressively fund art in public places, which depicts struggles on which there is no consensus and of which there are continuing consequences
  • R2: THW cut off development aid to countries which willfully neglect to combat terrorism within their own borders
  • R3: THW freeze membership of sporting federations of nations that boycott sporting competitions (events, matches, tournaments etc.) for political reasons.
  • R4: THW end the prosecution of Troubles-related killings in Northern Ireland
  • Final: TH, as the United States, does not regret the dropping of the atomic bomb.

Centrale IV, Paris, France, December 6-7 2013

Centrale IV, Paris, France, December 6-7 2013

  • R1: THW Allow athletes to compete in the gender category they self identify with
  • R2: THBT Hamid Karzai should sign the Bilateral Security Agreement
  • R3: This house would allow the Roma to settle in autonomous communities
  • R4: This house believes that developing countries should ban the entry of foreign supermarkets into their markets
  • R5: Given that a trade off is required, THBT history education in post-conflict societies should focus on cohesion at the cost of truth
  • Final: TH supports FEMEN

Warsaw Open, Warsaw, Poland, December 6-8 2013

Warsaw Open, Warsaw, Poland, December 6-8 2013

  • R1: THW eject national sports teams from international competitions if their fans or players are found to have committed racist or fascist acts during matches
  • R2: THBT in developed countries the minimum wage should guarantee a middle class lifestyle
  • R3: THW stop all research into differences between the male and female brain
  • R4: THBT Pope Francis should openly endorse radical left political parties and candidates
  • Semi: THW only hold gay pride parades with the consent of the local community
  • Final: THW immediately lift all sanctions on Iran
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Lund IV, Lund, Sweden, December 6-7 2013

Lund IV, Lund, Sweden, December 6-7 2013

  • R1: THBT Facebook, Google+,and other social media platforms should remove all content produced by extremist political parties.
  • R2: TH welcomes the presence of gender-neutral schools (+Infoslide)
  • R3: THBT is in China’s interest to shoot down foreign military aircrafts that violate the ADIZ (+Info slide).
  • R4: Assuming that the death penalty is in use, THW make all executions public.
  • SF: THBT the EU should materially support anti-Russian political movements in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union
  • Novice Final: THBT Schools should raise the expectations of children beyond what they can realistically achieve.
  • Grand Final: TH supports armed vigilante groups in high crime areas.
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English Cup, Herzliya, Israel, December 1 2013

English Cup, Herzliya, Israel, December 1

  • R1: THW classify all organized crime as terrorist organizations
  • R2: THBT the education system should promote expectations according to the students’ realistic potential, ability and social status
  • R3: This house would hire police personnel in proportion to society’s demography
  • Semi: THW, as a western liberal democracy, legalize paid surrogacy
  • Final: This house, as China, would legalize gay marriage
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Chennai WUDC 2014

  • Round 1: THBT the United States of America should fund moderate Madrassas (schools of Islamic study) throughout the Islamic world
  • Round 2: THW allow first-time offenders to, with the consent of the victims, pay compensation to them in place of a prison sentence
  • Round 3: TH regrets the rise of a 'hookup culture' (one which accepts and encourages casual sexual encounters focused on physical pleasure, without necessarily including emotional bonding)
  • Round 4: THBT developing countries should ban members of political dynasties from standing for elected office
  • Round 5: THBT the Trans-Pacific Partnership is in the interests of the small and medium-sized negotiating countries [info slide:]
  • Round 6: THW make the receipt of welfare payments to raise children conditional on the use of long-term, but reversible, contraception
  • Round 7: THBT government agencies that regulate drugs should only test whether a drug is safe, not whether it is effective, before approving it for public use [info slide:]
  • Round 8: THBT NATO should unconditionally offer membership to the states of the former Soviet Union, excluding Russia
  • Round 9: TH regrets the commodification of indigenous cultures
  • EFL Semi-Finals: THBT the gay rights movement should abandon the claim that sexuality is not a choice
  • EFL Final: THBT multinational companies should be liable for human rights abuses that occur anywhere in their supply chain
  • ESL Quarter-Finals: THW remove all copyright protection for material deemed to be morally objectionable
  • ESL Semi-Finals: THBT Pope Francis should publicly encourage Catholics to support radically redistributive government policies
  • ESL Grand Final: THW allow countries to pay other countries to settle asylum-seekers who reach their borders
  • Open Partial Double Octo-Finals: THW abolish gated communities in the developing world
  • Open Octo-Finals: THBT Japan should shame its soldiers who participated in WWII, including those who did not commit war crimes themselves
  • Open Quarter-Finals: THW auction off the long-term right to govern bankrupt cities for profit
  • Open Semi-Finals: THBT women should reject practices that alter the appearance of their genitalia, such as waxing and labiaplasty
  • Open Grand Final: THBT India should pursue aggressive economic policies
  • Masters' Round 1: THB that the feminist movement should actively fight to liberate men from their prescribed gender roles
  • Masters' Round 2: THW redraw the borders of Africa
  • Masters' Grand Final: This House would never categorize people on their race.
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