Friday, September 20, 2013

Red Sea Open 2013

  • R1: THW ban the circumcision of males under the age of 18.
  • R2: THBT Germany should grant asylum to Edward Snowden.
  • R3: THBT the jury in all medical malpractice trials should consist solely of medical professionals.
  • R4: TH Supports the Creation of a New Country, Open to All where the only Functions of the Government are to provide Security and to Protect Property Rights.
  • R5: TH Supports the actions of the Gulabi Gang. (Infoslide: The Gulabi Gang “the Pink gang” are a collection of women in North India that wear pink saris and engage in violent, non-lethal acts of vigilantism. They target men who they have reason to believe have gone unpunished for acts of violence against women.)
  • R6: This House, upon discovering Irrefutable Proof that God does NOT exist, Would use a fail safe system to destroy the proof and hide it from any human’s knowledge.
  • Semi Final:  THBT the discovery of a means of stopping the aging process would be a bad thing for society. (Clarifying information for the Semi Final: For this debate ‘stopping the aging process’ means that bodies would stop aging after the age of 35; it does NOT mean that people would stop dying of things unrelated to the process of aging.
  • Final: This House as the Israeli Debating League would refuse to accept a debating society from Ariel as a member. (Clarifying information for the Final: Ariel is an Israeli settlement in the West Bank.)
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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Great Lakes Season Opener 2013 at Marquette University

Great Lakes Season Opener 2013 at Marquette University

1. THBT online matchmaking is a better system than traditional dating.
2. THBT South Korea should give unconditional humanitarian aid to North Korea
3. THW give two votes each to poor citizens of democratic societies.
4. THW genetically engineer animals raised for meat to not feel pain.

Semifinals: THW provide welfare in the form of basic goods and services rather than cash payments
Finals: THW yearn for the days of Mubarak in Egypt.
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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Manchester EUDC, Manchester, England, August 18-23 2013

Manchester EUDC, Manchester, England, August 18-23
  • R1:THW ban video games in which the player engages in brutal and immoral violence in a realistic setting
  • R2: THW require international development aid budgets to be approved by popular referenda
  • R3: TH, as the Muslim Brotherhood, would sincerely offer to cease resistance, participate in elections and respect a liberal constitution
  • R4: THW permit government agencies to conduct automated surveillance without court authorisation
  • R5: THBT Israel should allow members of the Jewish diaspora to vote in elections
  • R6: TH applauds the rise of songs by female pop artists that glorify assertive female sexuality. For example: Nothing on, I strut around; I do it big, I shut it down; I wonder if you’ll be able to handle me; Rita Ora – R.I.P
  • R7: THBT it is in China’s strategic interest to cease all non-humanitarian assistance to North-Korea until it verifiably ends its nuclear programme
  • R8: THBT Barack Obama should not have granted legal immunity to officials who ordered the use of torture
  • R9: THW provide welfare in the form of basic goods and services rather than cash payments
  • ESL Quarter: THBT men should consistently call out and correct chauvinistic claims by colleagues and co-workers
  • Open Quarter: THBT African countries should adopt English as the principle language of instruction
  • ESL Semi: THBT environmental agencies should start a campaign of sabotage and destruction against major pollution companies
  • Open Semi: TH regrets that Western Media demonised Islamist Terrorists rather than portraying them as criminals with legitimate grievances
  • ESL Final: THBT the state should not fund any works of art or performances that the average citizen would not recognize as having artistic merit
  • Open Final: THW give more votes to citizens according to their performance on a current affairs test

SOAS invitational, London, England, August 4 2013

SOAS invitational, London, England, August 4
  • R1: THBT new democracies should prevent revolutionary leaders from standing for elected office
  • R2: THBT increased female participation in violent sports (such as boxing) is good for women
  • R3: THBT the WTO should allow developing countries to impose tariffs on developed countries
  • R4: THBT the USA should pay $1 trillion in war reparations to North Korea
  • Final: THW give the public the power, via referendum, to pardon whistleblowers.

SOAS Open, London, England, August 3 2013

SOAS Open, London, England, August 3
  • R1: THBT the LGBT movement should oppose gay bars that ban entrance to straight customers
  • R2: THBT the government should subsidise private home ownership
  • R3: THBT in the event of Scotland voting for independence in 2014, the governmental authorities of the North of England should petition the Scottish government for membership of the new Scottish state
  • R4: THBT the Church of England should not take official stances on social, political and economic issues not directly related to items of doctrine
  • Final: THBT the Norwegian Nobel Prize commitee should retrospectively remove Barrack Obama's peace prize

Bodden Cup, Greifswald, Germany, July 27-28 2013

Bodden Cup, Greifswald, Germany, July 27-28 (translated)
  • R1: THW grant prisoners their right to vote back as soon as they are released
  • R2: THW support separatist movements in the EU
  • R3: THW employ asylum seekers as porters in train stations
  • R4: TH, which is Brazil, regrets its bid for hosting the 2014 World Cup
  • R5: THW abolish the separation period (Trennungsfristen) for marriages - (i.e. create quick ends to marriage?)
  • Semi: THW limit the amount for new leases to a maximum of 10% above the local rent index
  • Final: TH welcomes medical progress that enables women to have children after the menopause

Patras Open, Patras, Greece, July 26-29 2013

Patras Open, Patras, Greece, July 26-29
  • R1: THW ban the Golden Dawn
  • R2: THBT the state should not give religious institutions any financial benefits
  • R3: THBT the United Kingdom should abolish its monarchy
  • R4: TH regrets Disney's continuation of the Star Wars film saga
  • R5: THW abolish national sports teams
  • Semi: THBT the City of Thessaloniki should name one of its major avenues after Kemal Atatürk
  • Final: TH as Socrates would not have drunk the hemlock

Campeonato Mundial Universitario de Debate en Español (CMUDE or Worlds in Spanish), Madrid, Spain, July 24-30 2013

Campeonato Mundial Universitario de Debate en Español (CMUDE or Worlds in Spanish), Madrid, Spain, July 24-30 (translated)
  • R1: THW punish parents for the crimes their minor children commit
  • R2: THW give the death penalty to government officials that engage in acts of corruption
  • R3: TH regrets welfare policies promoted by Eurozone countries currently immersed in a debt crisis
  • R4: THW pay poor people to not have children
  • R5: THW prohibit in financial settlements lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies
  • R6: THW allow organ donation only to those individuals who are donors
  • R7: THW help/support snitches (informants, informers)
  • R8: THBT developing countries should nationalise companies that extract their national resources
  • R9: TH supports media censorship during times of political crisis
  • Quarter: TH regrets that Brazil is the host of the football World Cup 2014
  • Semi: TH would eliminate the Catholic Church on a global level (the Church’s global governing level?)
  • Final: TH repents of the Spanish colonisation of Latin America

Earlsfort Open, Dublin, Ireland, July 20 2013

Earlsfort Open, Dublin, Ireland, July 20
  • R1: THW require all welfare recipients to take drug tests, and if they fail, cut off all monetary benefits and replace with non-monetary benefits such as food/clothing vouchers
  • R2: THBT post-conflict societies should set a history curriculum that emphasises the wrongs done by their own community during that conflict
  • R3: THBT juries should be of the same demographic as the accused and victim in each case
  • R4: THBT the overthrow of Egypt's President, Mohammed Morsi, is a setback to the goals of the Arab Spring
  • R5: THW hold companies to a higher ethical standard than the law imposes on them
  • Semi: Presuming the technology existed to alter people's sexual orientation, THW make that technology available on the national health service
  • Final: TH, as President Obama, would grant a presidential pardon to Edward Snowden

Frischlingscup, Tübingen, Germany, July 13 2013

Frischlingscup, Tübingen, Germany, July 13 (translated)
  • R1: Do we need mandatory voting?
  • R2: Should modes of energy production that significantly alter the Umweltnieschen (surrounding/environment?) be banned?
  • R3: Should there no longer be a possibility of early release in case of life sentences?
  • Final: Should we decide to categorically deny foreign missions for our army?

Imperial No Notes Open, London, England, July 13 2013

Imperial No Notes Open, London, England, July 13
  • R1: THBT in areas where there is a high level of drug-related crime, that laws surrounding the sale and use of drugs should not be enforced.
  • R2: TH, as a parent in a western liberal democracy, would teach its child to respect authority.
  • R3: THBT comedians should not use racist, sexist, or homophobic language, even for the purposes of satire.
  • R4: TH, as Prometheus, would snub mankind
  • Final: as a promising young graduate, you are offered two jobs. One with a charity that you would enjoy working for ("First Teach"), with reasonable pay. The other with a large multinational firm (DelcentureMG) that provides higher pay, and better long term career prospects. Motion: THW sell out to the man.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Heart of Europe 2013 Motions

THBT the role of the Roman Catholic Church since 1945 in the world diplomacy has been overwhelmingly negative
THBT with the ending of the Warsaw Pact there is no further justification for the existence of NATO
1) THW pardon all sportsmen found guilty of using performance enhancement drugs
2) THW pay professional sportsmen as much as university professors
3) THW Ban Sports that involve killing animals
1) THBT modern art may be modern but is rarely art
2) THBT the Beetles have contributed more to society than Beethoven
3) THW stop state funding of the arts
THW stop public funding of space exploration
THBT war causes more problems than it solves
Education (7)
1) TH Prefers single-sex schools to co-educational schools
2) THW require all new teacher graduates from developed countries to work in the developing world for a period of twelve months.
3) THBT nationalism has no place in the school curriculum
Politics and Economics(8)
1) THS Free Trade to the developing world
2) THBT there is no place for monarchy in a democratic country
3) This house believes that corrupt democracy is better than dictatorship
Environment (OF)
1) THBT there is no future without nuclear energy
2) THW rather use its resources to adapt to climate change than to prevent it
3) THW Mandate recycling Programs in developing countries
International relations (QF)
1) THBT Tibet should be recognized as an independent state
2) THBT America has done more harm than good since 1945
3) THBT the ICC should have the authority to investigate and prosecute any cases
Religion Morality Ethics (Semi Final)
1) THW not use medically scarce resources on terminally ill patients
2) THBT multiculturalism has failed
3) THBT religion should have a place in public education

THBT in the long run there is no hope to save Euro without a Federal Europe.

Beihang World Debate Academy Practice Debate Motions, August 2013

Demonstration Round: This House Would subsidize rural families in China to raise daughters
Practice Rounds:

  • This House regrets China’s one child policy
  • This House would promote women higher and faster in employment situations as a matter of government policy.
  • This House Believes That citizens should not give to beggars.
  • This House Believes That child abusers should be medically altered so they can not have more Children.
  • This House Believes That Disney should make an animated motion picture with a gay hero.
  • This House Believes the exploration and development of outer space should be done by commercial interest regulated by the UN not by governments.
  • This House Would legalize mutli partner marriage for both men and women.
  • This House Believes That China should adopt single sex schools

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Beihang World Debate Academy, Beihang University, Beijing, China August 2013

Thanks to Xu Guohong and all the faculty.

1. THBT animals have no rights.

2. This House would punish celebrity criminals more harshly.

3. THBT public money should not be used to finance art.

4. THW have China remove all blocks to Internet websites.

5. THW have China end all economic, military and political support for North Korea, DPRK

THBT the state's policy of currency devaluation does more harm than good. 

THW tax goods and services based on their ecological consequences.

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Southern Debate Institute, August 29-September 1, University of Mississippi at Oxford




THW not use public money to finance art.

THBT parents should secretly install spyware on their children’s electronic devices

THBT interests of national security outweigh an individual’s personal privacy.

THW support the USA & France in carrying out military strikes against the Assad regime in Syria.

Thanks to Kenneth Newby, Morehouse College

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