CAs were Ken Newby (Morehouse, USA) and Alfred Snider (Vermont, USA) in English, and Nicole Hansen Salas (Andres Bello, Chile) in Spanish.
1. THW implement mandatory voting in all elections.
2, This house believes both parents should be required to attend parenting classes before and after having a child.
3. THBT international military intervention against Boko Haram is justified, regardless of the views of the Nigerian government.
4. THBT the normalization of relations between the USA and Cuba will result in substantial improvements in civil rights in Cuba.
5. This house regrets the commercialization of “hip hop.” DEFINITION SLIDE: Hip-hop is the culture associated with rap music.
6. THW reject the installation of non-medical information technology (such as enhanced memory, enhanced perception and distance communication) within the human body.
Quarterfinals English, Semifinals Spanish. TH regrets the deployment of fear about the ebola situation.
Semifinals English. THBT the struggle against ISIS should be conducted solely by Middle East nations.
Finals Spanish and English. This house would establish a free trade area comprised of all countries in the Western Hemisphere.